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ART. 1 . . .No player shall intentionally kick the ball other than as a free or scrimmage kick.
ART. 2 . . .No player shall bat a loose ball other than a pass or a fumble in flight, or a low scrimmage kick in flight which he is attempting to block in or behind the expanded neutral zone.
EXCEPTION: A K player may bat toward his own goal line a grounded scrimmage kick which is beyond the neutral zone and may also bat toward his own goal line a scrimmage kick in flight beyond the neutral zone, if no R player is in position to catch the ball.
ART. 3 . . .Any pass in flight may be batted in any direction, by an eligible receiver unless it is a backward pass batted forward by the passing team.
ART. 4 . . .A ball in player possession shall not be batted forward by a player of the team in possession.
PENALTY: Arts. 1, 2, 3, 4 – Illegal kicking or batting : (S31) : 10 yards